Pastoral Care Groups

West Church is a large church with many members and as such there are many different interests. The following details some of the activities for you to become involved in.

Sycamore Club

The Sycamore Club is an inter-denominational Christian Club for adults with learning difficulties. It is affiliated to the nationwide ‘Prospects’ organisation. We enjoy music, singing, dance, drama and art and use these activities to illustrate Bible stories and truths. The emphasis is on fun and fellowship whilst making the members more aware of the love of God. Please contact us if you would like to help and please encourage anyone to come along who might like to become a new member -remember they do not have to be members of West Church.


The 2nd & 4th Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm in West Church.


To find out more contact: Derek and Tanya Polley through the Church Office on 028 9145 9688


Art Club

The Art Club is a great chance to enjoy a hobby in the company of like-minded people. It is about enjoyment and there is no competition and we always remember to take time out to have coffee and a chat. Advice and guidance on materials and subject matter is available if required.


Each Thursday at 2:30pm in West Church in the Intermediate Hall.


The first question people normally ask is what are the 3C’s?

  • Coffee
  • Chat
  • Craft

This is a very friendly group of ladies who meet each week to enjoy all 3 of the above. They have worked very hard to help others knitting many items such as teddies, hats for seamen and their most recent success, Twiddlemuffs. The latter has been a real blessing to those suffering from dementia or Alzheimer’s and have been distributed widely.

The group is open to everyone and we would love to see you.


Each Tuesday at 7:00pm and Wednesday at 2:00pm in the Committee Room.


To find out more contact Norma Conway through the Church Office on 028 9145 9688.

Badminton Club

If you are interested in playing or taking up badminton as a hobby we would love to have you join us at West. This is a very sociable group and there is no pressure to be the best player, just to come along for friendship and fun (age 18+).


Each Tuesday at 7:30pm in the Major Hall.


To find out more contact Avril Halliday through the Church Office.



Walking Group

The Walking Group is open to all age groups. Walks for pleasure, as well as exercise, are arranged for the last Saturday of the month and are announced in church. There is always great fun, good fellowship and as it is a West group, food!

Please come along and share in these good times together.


The last Saturday of each month.


To find out more contact Derek Polley through the Church Office on 028 9145 9688.

Banner Group

You may have seen the beautiful banners that make the premises in West look special. This is the group that prodcues all of these banners which provides an opportunity for ladies interested in sewing to meet for fellowship, coffee and the challenge of designing and sewing banners and other items which beautify the sanctuary and bring glory to God.

You do not need to be skilled in sewing – we use the simplest of stitches. If you are interested you may come regularly, when you can or for part of the time if that is all you can manage. You will be very welcome.


Each Wednesday at 10:30am in the Committee Room.


To find out more contact Roberta Hagan through the Church Office on 028 9145 9688.