Growing and maturing in our faith,  supporting and ministering to one another and reaching out with a mission to share the hope and love of Jesus.


Discipleship is about learning to live confidently as Jesus would. It means growing deeper in faith so that our lives led by the Holy Spirit radiate the love of Jesus and reflect His values and attributes.


At West we want to be obedient to Jesus’ command to go beyond our church family to be advertisements for Him both in our local community and beyond.


Pastoral care is central to church life; the care that the early Christians had for one another encouraged others to join them. Jesus’ command to love one another reminds us of our calling to care for one another emotionally, physically and spiritually.


Worship is experiencing the presence of God through His spirit and expressing our adoration, reverence and devotion through praise and prayer – both collectively and individually. Listening and talking with God in prayer is central to all that we do.


Our Youth & Children’s Ministry is passionate about introducing the youngest child to the oldest teenager to Christ and helping them to grow in their daily living through Sunday Worship and teaching through weekly activities.


With a growing congregation, we encourage everyone to become involved in the life of our Church, either in smaller groups, organisations, volunteering or financially.

Church Services

As you visit West, we want to send out a warm welcome as we draw people in and make them feel at home. We are a genuine community, caring for one another with wholehearted commitment as we serve together showing real growth as we acknowledge Jesus Christ in all our ways.

10.00 am & 11.30 am (live-streamed) morning Services with Creche & JClub (P1 – P7)

10.00 am – Young West (Year 8 – 14)

11.30 am – CafeChurch

11.30 am – West Church Kilcooley (with Kilcooley Kids)

6.30 pm – Evening Service

West Church News